Long and short- term absence can be very disruptive to your organisation and is one of the biggest costs to an organisation. The Office of National statistics (February 2018) survey estimated that 141 million days were lost per year due to sickness absence.
By investing in absence management, a company will not only save on absence costs but will also have a happier, healthier and more productive workforce.
CJC Occupational Health and Wellbeing will meet with the employee and carry out a detailed functional assessment providing you with a concise straight forward report that will give you the most appropriate advice on how best to support the employee and encourage attendance at work.
Management referrals can be completed face to face at the work place or by telephone
CJC Occupational Health and Wellbeing offers advice on a wide range of key sickness absence issues including:
- advice on expected duration of absence
- advice on adjustments/support measures to aid work re-integration
- advice on specific work-related aspects of illness
- advice on potential barriers to returning to work
- advice on the likely applicability of relevant legislation
- advice on suitability for redeployment.